There have been serious pangs of excitement pulsing through the machine over the last few days, after somebody hinted at a possible Refused reformation on . The site, which is really just a holding page, was embossed with “Coming Soon”, sending the Hardcore fraternity into a frenzy at the prospect of a return from Sweden’s finest. ran with it, as did many others, prompting former Refused frontman Denis Lyxzen to issue the following indirect statement “No, we are not reforming. Me and David are going on tour next week with our new Hardcore band Ac4 – sleeping on kids floors and playing doordeals, that seems to be more in line with what we deserve… haha”.
So, forget about the old New Noise and check out the new New Noise. As David said, his and David Sandstrom’s new hardcore band AC4 are booked on an old school tour through Europe this month. They’ve posted a pretty rough Youtube video of them playing on Denis’ lawn to a few friends in Mullsjö last June. Anybody expecting the progressive edge of Refused may be disappointed. It’s balls to the wall hardcore, your Mom wouldn’t approve.
WWW.MYSPACE.COM/AC4HC has the tour dates. Go watch!
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